Análise da Interferência da Composição e Compactação nas Propriedades do Concreto Permeável




Pervious Concrete, Rain Drenage, Resistance and Permeability


Due to population growth, cities are going through an intense process of urbanization, resulting in an increase in built areas. These areas hinder the infiltration of water in the soil, in addition to contributing to the increase in the flow of runoff from surface waters. Therefore, this research aims to develop a permeable concrete trace, used as a possible solution to such inconveniences. For this purpose, different mixtures were developed with a ratio of a / c 0.31 and a 1: 4.5 fixed line, using CP V-ARI RS, analyzing the interference of the dimension of the coarse aggregates and of the compaction in the mechanical resistance and permeability of material. In this way, laboratory tests were carried out by molding 8 cylindrical specimens of 10 x 20 cm and 4 prismatic specimens of 15 x 15 x 50 cm for each mixture, half of which were compacted with a metal rod and the other half with vibrating table. It was observed that the best performances were achieved by the mixture Brita0: Brita1 (70:30), on a vibrating table, reaching good results of mechanical resistance and permeability coefficient.


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2022-12-12 — Updated on 2024-05-20